In 1971, Motown artist Marvin Gaye released a heartrending song titled “What’s Going On?” The song was specifically related to the turbulent times of late sixties and early seventies. The song’s lyrics explore some of the key themes of the day which included, the Civil Rights movement, drug abuse, poverty, police brutality and the Vietnam war. Interestingly, the narrative of the song is told from the vantage point of a Vietnam veteran returning to his home only to witness suffering and injustice. Additionally, while not specifically targeted by the song, other major events of the time included the Watergate scandal, anti-war protest, the beginnings of the Cold War, Roe V. Wade, the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King.

Now fast forwarding 50 years later, people all around the country are also pondering the same question. What in the world is going on? It seems that the world around us has turned upside down virtually overnight. In fact, unless you have been living under a rock, or in a cave somewhere completely detached from all electronic media, you know that the world has been experiencing an unparalleled amalgamation of major historic and disastrous political, cultural, and social events.
To be more specific, world is literally experiencing PRECEDENT SETTING events. Events that, in one way or another, are having an extraordinary impact on virtually every aspect of our existence. We are living during a period so tumultuous, polarized, and dysfunctional, that it defies conventional description. A virus that caused governments around the world to respond by mandating their citizens to halt their lives, to stay in their homes, to shut down schools, to close churches, and to decimate world economies by shutting down tens of thousands of businesses many of which will probably never reopen. We are seeing record setting inflation which is being deliberately compounded by a recently passed debt ceiling budget which calls for the printing of billions of dollars with essentially no subsequent value and that's not to mention the increase in energy prices which in itself represents a clog in the artery of the lifeblood of our economy.
Governments are following all of that up by colluding with Corporations to mandate that their employees take vaccinations that were still unproven just to be able to maintain their employment. But what is the most amazing aspect of all of this to those who have been spiritually discerning observers, is the fact that not only has the virus had an enormous impact on world economies, it has been exploited by world leaders in a way designed to psychologically condition the citizens of the world to be susceptible to and eventually be accepting of a one world economic system that will ultimately one day be formalized by the coming “man of sin,” or the antichrist.
Interestingly, I can recall a time decades ago, when bible prophecy teachers and students would debate as to how would it be possible for a one world leader to be able to implement a universal economic system? Well, fast forwarding to today, no one is really asking that question anymore. Because we have observed in real time, how hundreds of millions of citizens around the world because of the Covid-19 pandemic, simply comply with government mandated lockdown protocols without so much as asking any follow up questions or seeking alternative opinions. This worldwide seamless capitulation of individual and collective sovereignty is just another clear indication of just how the world is being psychologically conditioned for a future anti-Christ to arise.
But the most alarming aspect of all, is just the “systemic” lack of seemingly any discernment of the signs of the times by many Christians, especially from the pulpits. Despite all of this disruption in the culture, and all of the clear and present signs that we are living in the last days, and despite the fact that churches willingly closed without any fight or protest because of government mandates, many churches returned to service as normal while never or barely even mentioning what had just occurred or the warfare that is taking place. Many returned to "regular service," without ever mentioning the fact we are living in a time in which we are witnessing right before our very eyes, in real time the slow and systematic collapse of Western culture like noting the world has ever seen. In other words, there is sadly seems to be very little if any preaching and teaching on what God's Word has to say about the times that we are in.
What makes this lack of attention from so many pulpits so disturbing, is the fact that the church, specifically believers who are called to be a light in a dark world, and we were given a prime directive called the "Great commission." This means that it should be the church who is at the frontlines standing up against this demise of traditional morality and social norms that is actually being specifically perpetrated and targeted in concert with a direct all-out assault against Christianity and against God's Word. Everything good and of value is being deliberately torn away from us and destroyed. All while there seems to be a systemic level of silence from many pulpits.
Now to take a deeper dive into these cultural, societal and spiritual waters, it has been said that whoever controls the narrative has the power. In other words, whoever controls the platforms of influence in society, has the greatest ability to influence and impact the minds of that culture. Consider for example how the radical cancel culture of the left has hijacked virtually every major institution of influence in the culture, and the generation impact that this hijacking is having on an entire generation. Every culturally influential institution from the mainstream media, the public school system, academia, pop culture, big tech corporations, major professional sports leagues and major corporations like Target, Budweiser and Disney all have been advancing a Godless ideology on society.
Moreover, the repercussions of this hijacking of the culture by the left, is having a devastating effect on every aspect of American society including the traditional family unit and even the Christian church which is drastically declining in cultural impact and influence.
This phenomenon was succinctly and adeptly described in a 2020 sermon that was preached by Bishop Patrick Wooden, Senior Pastor of the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh NC, titled "Fighting Against the Suppression of God's Truth." In his introduction, Bishop Wooden concisely pointed out that "there is a well-organized, well-funded, powerful, global, secular, as well as a religious effort to put down, to suppress, to subdue, to crush, and to keep back God's truth." Bishop Wooden went on to point out that this movement was actually not new, because it was even in operation during his lifetime.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7, Paul writes, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. 4 Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way."
Fast forwarding to our day, Bishop Wooden could not have articulated where the world is currently at any better. We are seeing traditional truths that have been the staple of human existence for thousands of years being redefined, God is being mocked, prayer and the bible have been expelled from the public arena, sins that God has called “an abomination” is being not only celebrated, but it is being Federally sanctioned, federally legalized, and being federally advocated as "progressive policy." Furthermore, those of us who object to this Godless reshaping of society are being forced to accept these demonic ideas under threat of losing your job, or even worse, being prosecuted for "intolerant hate speech."
We are seeing the rapid increase of adultery and divorce, homosexuality, promiscuity, and the poisoning the minds of children by Hollywood and pop culture. Moreover, public schools are becoming apologists for this progressive and godless agenda, along with a complete lack of confidence in government, a generation of youth that who are now openly embracing socialism, record high suicide rates among young people, radical feminism, legalized same sex marriage, gender confusion, and sexual anarchy, all of which are contributing the lack of marriageable men and women, which is subsequently contributing to the decline in marriage rates and two-parent homes. And all of this is on top of renewed racial polarization, and riots in our cities that are being reported as "peaceful protest" by the progressive media.
And despite the recent reversal of Roe V Wade by the Supreme Court, abortion legalized is still being sanctioned in many states. And notwithstanding, proponents of infanticide across the country have been losing their proverbial minds over the Courts ruling that says that babies who would otherwise be executed would now be able to live. And that the decision on the life of the unborn child would have to go back to the individual states as the constitution originally intended in the first place. Furthermore, those of us who hold a true biblical worldview, we are condemned by those who on one hand, reject the God of the bible, reject the very idea of the biblical understanding of family, and reject all concepts of biblical morality and truth. All while on the other hand, seeing government as God and the final arbiter of truth.
Christian business owners are being sued for exercising their deeply held religious beliefs. And incredibly, if all of that was not enough, the swearing in of Joe Biden gave us the very first “transgender Assistant HEALTH Secretary” in an Administration that is openly advocating that the parents of sexually confused adolescence should be made to allow their children as young as eight, be administered government sanctioned and taxpayer funded, sex change hormone therapy treatments. Treatments that will adversely impact the child for the remainder of his or her life.
The truth of the matter is that we are living in a critical time in American and world history. A time in which the culture has become increasingly polarizing, toxic, and completely hostile to traditional, biblical values and principles. Traditional values, that were taken for granted throughout human history, are now being challenged. In fact, people who lived a century ago would be flabbergasted to see what is accepted today as normal and truthful, without any reluctance or so much as even questioning it.
Spiritually speaking, in addition to everything that I have already mentioned, America has sunk into a spiritual and moral abyss, in which many of the hot button issues, many of which, as early has twenty years ago would have been considered unconscionable are now considered "mainstream, "and is even being advocated in America's public schools as normal. Issues such as, the political and cultural impact of the LGBT advocates, the renewed racial unrest, and the defunding of the police, are just a few examples of the many “contentious” cultural issues that are inflaming emotions throughout America and fundamentally transforming the Western world.
And when you reflect upon all of this, it leads me back to the original question that many people are asking, "What in the World is Going on? Millions of Americans are beginning to realize that something truly awful is happening to our society. They sense that it is very serious and ominous, but many simply aren't able to discern the cause, and they certainly aren't able to discern the endgame or what is the end goal of all of this reshaping of society, the redefining of what is and what isn't true, the reshaping of world economies, and the wholesale rejection of the God of the Bible. Nor do they not understand who or what is behind it all.
And this is especially the case if you are someone who relies on any of the secular mainstream media outlets or personalities, or your favorite secular political pundit, or your favorite secular pop culture personalities for your understanding and clarity of the day's events. Because if so, you can count on being profusely misinformed and deceived. And again, you most certainly could never even begin to know the solution to the issues we are facing if the secular media or pop culture personalities are your primary source of information.
Moreover, by following the narratives of the mainstream secular media or the many pop culture sources, you will be led to believe that the blame for the gargantuan breakdown in the moral fabric of society can be directly attributed to a number of people and groups. You'll be led to believe for example, that all of our problems are the fault of Republicans, or Trump, or big business, or the climate, or the "rich," and especially all of those homophobic, xenophilic and racist Christian conservatives who hate women, who have white privilege, who hate the environment and who which to harm children by having the audacity to advocate for legislation designed to prevent adolescent children from deciding for themselves to have permanent life altering sex change procedures.
However, for all of all believers in Jesus Christ, we must have a level of discernment that the carnal minded unbeliever simply cannot comprehend.
This is why if you are a critically thinking, and discerning bible believing Christian, you can clearly see that things are happening that does not jive with the more popular mainstream narratives.
Because in reality, what we are witnessing is something that is far, far more sinister and far more nefarious than any of nonsensical ramblings of the media, progressive politicians, and many so-called activists. What we are literally experiencing is direct spiritual warfare. In other words, we are witnessing the direct impact of invisible demonic powers and principalities who are orchestrating events in the unseen realm, which we are seen manifested in the natural world. This is not hyperbole, nor am I making some spiritual talking point. We are literally in a spiritual battle.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
In essence, from the vantage point of twenty-first century believers, we must have a different level of discernment, and we must see the world through a different lens than the carnal minded unbeliever. As believers in Christ, we must see the world through he lens of a biblical worldview. A worldview that should allow us to discern events from a completely different vantage point.
More simply put, by viewing the world through a biblical worldview lens, we are able to recognize for example:
Do absolute moral truths exist?
Is absolute truth defined in the bible?
Is there such a thing as objective truth?
How can we know what is objectively true?
Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe and is He in control of the affairs of humanity?
Is the bible accurate in all of its teachings?
Did God send His only begotten Son to live a sinless life and to sacrifice Himself on Cavalry's cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world?
Is the bible the sole authority for faith, conduct, practice, truth and doctrine for the believer?
Was Christ raised from the dead on the third day?
Is Satan real?
Why is there evil and suffering in the world?
Why is the world the way that it is?
What is the purpose of human life?
Does the bible give prophetic insights into past history and current world events?
Are there prophetic historical and divine providential links or connections between God's Word and many current and historical events that are the direct or indirect fulfillment of bible prophecy?
What happens after we die?
Is Christ going to return and establish His Kingdom here on earth?
Will there be a seven-year tribulation prior to His return?
Will the Church be raptured prior to the start of the Tribulation?
And are current events a "PRELUDE" to end time events?

Throughout God's word, these and other existential worldview questions are clearly addressed and answered. And as bible believing Christians, the answers to these and many other fundamental questions of life are clearly understood when we view the world through the lens of a biblical worldview as opposed to a secular lens. In other words, if you are a bible believing, discerning and critically thinking Christian, then you should be able to view the most existential social, cultural and political narratives of our day through a completely different lens or ideological perspective than any of your friends, relatives, coworkers, and any of your favorite politicians or media personalities.
In short, and as simply as I can put it, regardless of if you are black or white, male or female, republican or democrat, evangelical or charismatic, if you are a true bible believing Christian, then you should be able to discern the spiritual or biblical truth surrounding societies most pragmatic political and cultural narratives of our day through the lens of God's word and not through the emotion driven narratives of carnal minded unbelievers.
For example, as a believer, you should be able to discern that none of the world's evils are the result of skin color, or status, or income level, or nationality, or political party, or education level, or gender or any of the many other excuses that are often given by the secular world. Rather, as believers we should be able to immediately recognize that all of the evils of mankind are the direct result of sin. In other words, because of the sin of Adam. Romans 3:23 tells us that "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
Here Paul was literally saying that other than Jesus Christ Himself, everyone who has ever been born since the fall of Adam has been born with an Adamic sin nature, and as a result, we are all guilty and worthy of death. However, because of his love that passes all human comprehension, God sent His Son to die that horrific death on the cross, in order to take upon Himself the punishment that we all deserved (black, white, male, female, republican and democrat, Jew, and gentile, alike) so that by His sacrifice, all of mankind who believes on Him, could be redeemed back to God.
After that, we must begin to examine what is truly behind what is happening? And the truth of the matter, as I alluded to earlier, there is actually something far, far more sinister, far more nefarious and far more organized and purpose driven happening in the world than what we are being led to believe from secular mainstream sources. None of the cultural, economic and moral decay of society that we are seeing is the result of coincidence or mere happenstance. Rather, everything that is happening is the direct result of a coordinated spiritual assault emanating from the unseen realm's satanic powers and principalities and then subsequently being manifested here in the natural realm.

Finally, in essence, ultimately the primary purpose of the enemy's plan is to hinder God's plan, deceive God's people, and to condition the world and to set the stage for the coming antichrist. Nevertheless, the Bible assures us that Christ will return and establish His Kingdom hear on earth. But there will be a seven-year tribulation in which the antichrist or "the man of sin," will arise on the scene and attempt to form a one world government, a one world economic system, and a one world religion. More simply put, in order for this seamless antichrist 666 one world transition to ever occur, the FOUNDATION, the PRECEDENT and the FRAMWORK for such a GLOBAL SYSTEM has to already have been established before such a global power grab could ever take place.
And as I previously alluded to, if you have A BIBLICALLY DISCERNING MIND, then you can clearly see that what we are experiencing is literally demonic unseen forces, preparing or conditioning the world by establishing the precedent that will allow such a SEAMLESS TRANSITION for the world to except a one world ruler who the bible say will come on the scene prior to the return of Christ. And virtually everything that is happening on every political, economic, technological, cultural, moral and even healthcare front is specifically designed to move the world in that direction.
In the final part of this two-part series, I will examine some more specific big picture items that the enemy is directly using in order to advance his agenda.